Womit verursachen wir am meisten Emissionen?
Kohleverbrennen: schlecht. Velofahren: gut. Fleischessen: weniger. So weit klar. Aber womit verursachen “wir” eigentlich am meisten Emissionen? Was fällt ins Gewicht?
Kohleverbrennen: schlecht. Velofahren: gut. Fleischessen: weniger. So weit klar. Aber womit verursachen “wir” eigentlich am meisten Emissionen? Was fällt ins Gewicht?
Kunststoffe waren noch nie geil. Wie steht es um die Alternativen?
Strom soll nachhaltig erzeugt werden – also sicher keine Kohle, natürlich Wind-Wasser-Solar, aber was ist mit Atomstrom?
Wie ist der Green Deal der EU zu bewerten?
Parte Due: A Cold White Marble The Earth has also a temperature (currently around 288 K, or 15 Celsius), which means it also disperses its heat by emitting. In a way, that is quite obvious. Earth keeps absorbing solar energy and, if it didn’t, it would keep heating up to infinity. For our temperature to…
We have to start, for this, looking at shiny hot objects (which is how I’ll refer to, hm, thermodynamics). Most people who were born before The Matrix Reloaded probably remembers incandescence lamps. For anyone else, I’ll try to describe: they were like normal lamps but 98% less sophisticated, they were filled with a vacuum (well,…
Why does a little amount of CO2 make such a big difference? Let’s have a look at atmospheric physics!